Zenith Aircraft

The Zenith Aircraft Company develops, designs and manufactures self-build aircraft kits from its production facilities at Mexico Memorial Airport and holds exclusive rights to manufacture and market Zenair kit aircraft designs from Chris Heintz.

In 2004, the Federal Aviation Administration created the new Sport Aircraft category and Sport Pilot License, making aviation more available to the general population. Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) must be single engined, have no more than two seats, a maximum weight of 1300 lbs, a maximum stall speed of 51 mph and a maximum speed of 138 mph.

Full colour cutaway technical illustration comparing the key features of the STOL CH 750 and CH750 Cruzer variants.

Zenith CH 650

A second generation LSA, this model offers a stronger airframe, wider engine choices, swept tail, and a cockpit with greater headroom, better visibility and added roll-over protection.

Zenith STOL CH 701

ntroduced in 1986, the CH 701 was designed to operate from short landing fields and features fixed leading-edge slats for high lift, full-length flaperons (flaps and ailerons combined), an all-moving rudder and all-metal construction.

Zenith STOL CH 750

Based on the CH 701, this aircraft offers a larger cabin and greater load carrying capability while remaining within the LSA category.

Zenith STOL CH 750 “Super Duty”

Designed to operate from short strips and unprepared surfaces, the Super Duty (SD) has three seats, a longer wingspan, larger tail and large tundra tyres. Most radically, it eliminates the instrument panel entirely in favour of the “Unpanel”-a flat screen on a moveable arm that can be positioned in front of either of the front seats or moved out to the way altogether.

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